Try Your Luck Dude!!!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Sampaikan Syahwat Suami, Sukakan Hati, SMS, Sembang, Ma...

Hukum Berkhatan....

BERKHATAN adalah memotong selaput kulit yang menutupi kepala zakar lelaki atau memotong sedikit hujung daging yang ada di sebelah atas faraj perempuan.

Berdasarkan mazhab Syafie, amalan berkhatan diwajibkan sama ada untuk lelaki atau perempuan. Ia termasuk antara amalan yang disyariatkan Allah sebagai pelengkap fitrah semula jadi manusia. 

Rasulullah bersabda yang bermaksud: "Fitrah (sifat semula jadi) itu lima perkara: Berkhatan, mencukur bulu ari-ari, menggunting misai, memotong kuku dan mencabut bulu ketiak." (Bukhari, Muslim) 

Oleh itu, saya menyarankan anda berjumpa dan berbincang dengan doktor di klinik perubatan yang ada menawarkan perkhidmatan berkhatan. 

Anda tidak perlu musykil dengan perintah dalam ajaran Islam. Ini kerana Islam ingin menjaga kebersihan dan martabat sesama manusia. 

Kita tidak boleh terikut-ikut dengan idea yang dikemukakan pihak barat atau orientalis serta pengikut mereka yang cuba menidakkan amalan berkhatan terutama bagi wanita. 

Malah, sekarang amalan berkhatan bagi lelaki sudah diterima di Barat. Saya berpandangan mana-mana tradisi timur yang ada asas dalam ajaran Islam hendaklah terus diamalkan.



Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Bila x cukup puas ..

baca baik baik....

Ada sepasang suami isteri yang baru berumahtangga, isterinya bernama Melor 
manakala suaminya bernama Wak Nuar.Boleh dikatakan hari-hari mereka 
melakukan hubungan seks...Tiba- tiba,pada suatu hari... Wak Nuar jatuh 
sakit.... dan mati....Wak Nuar nie memang tinggi ilmunya sebelum mati dia 
sempat berpesan pada isterinya "sayang kalau abang mati kau jangan cari 
jantan lain, abang dah jampi anu abang.....jadi bila abang mati nanti kau 
potonglah anu abang....bila kau rasa gersang, kau cuma perlu jerit "Abang 
Nuar!!!", maka anu abang akan datang puas kan nafsu mu"... 

Maka isterinya pun menurut pesanan aruah suaminya.... di potongnya anu 
suaminya dan simpan di dalam peti sejuk.. Hari yang berikutnya.. ...Melor pun 
mencuba lalu dia menjerit "Abang Nuar!!!!!" maka anu suaminya pun terbang 
pergi mendapatkan isterinya... ..Boleh dikatakan setiap malam apabila 
gersang, Melor menjerit "Abang Nuar!!!" 

Perbuatan Melor itu menjadikan tanda tanya jirannya Mak Cik Nab yang dah 
berumur 60th... Akibat rasa ingin tahu Makcik Nab pun mengadu dengan 
Joyah..."Kenapa aaa si melor tu tiap2 malam asik menjerit panggil Abang 

"Dia jerit macammana?", tanya joyah.... "macam nie.. Abang Lemaaaan!!!" tak semena-mena maka 
terbanglah anu Nuar menuju ke pemanggilnya. ... kesian Makcik Nab kene 

Cerita ini makin tersebar luas seluruh kampung sehingga ke pengetahuan Tok 
Penghulu.. "Tok! Kami nak mengadu... ada perogol bersiri dalam kampung kita 
nie,habis nenek2, JandaAnak dara semua disapunya!" 

"iyeeeeee keee!!!"jawab tok penghulu dgn terperanjat. ..."Siapalah yang punya 
angkara nie agaknya",tanya penghulu lagi.. 

"Entahlah tok tapi yang saya tahu semua mangsa ada menyebut 'Abang Nuar'", 
jawab Pak Lebai... 

Apaaaaaa Abang Lemaaan!!!!" Jerit penghulu dengan Marah.... maka terbanglah 
anu si Nuar ini menuju ke pemanggilnya. ..Semenjak kejadian itu semua org 
kampung tak berani lagi menyebut nama Abang Nuar", manakala Tok Penghulu 
Kampung itu masih lagi ditahan di Hospital Kuala Selangor Kerana mengalami 
koyak punggung yang serius...... 



oleh itu dinasihatkan anda supaya tidak menjerit2 namer Abang Nuar....kalu 
namer abang lain takper..macam abang sepat ker atau abang panjang tapi...sebut. .. 
Abang Nuar memang tak bole....!!!! sebab eeee,,,,memang misteri. begitulah menurut ...
cerita orang kampung Lepar hulu selangor....

*keh3 aq xda kena mngena dlm crita ni keyhh!!crita ni owg yg ntar kt camna??hex3

Memory 2010(last day)

8 Tips to Take Control of Your Weight

Anyone who is overweight will testify that losing weight is not as easy as it seems. The people that are lean, or have gone from fat to skinny will say it’s just a matter of motivation and elbow grease. Although it is not as simple as that. Our environments have waged war on us. Their weapons are sedentary lives and Trans fats of mass destruction. All is not lost though, here are some quick simple tips to get ahead!
1. Substitute Water
 Our bodies are about 65-70% water. It follows that water would be not only essential, but the best possibly choice of liquids to ingest. In fact, our bodies will sometimes simulate a hunger response, when in reality the body is craving hydration. When hungry, drink a glass or two of water to check if it suppresses your hunger
2. Chew Your Food
Chewing our food very slowly and deliberately has several benefits that are often overlooked. It gives us the ability to relax, and enjoy our meal. Slow chewing is the first, and highly important, step in a complex system of digestion. Besides, if we eat slowly, we might feel full before finishing the whole meal, and can leave the rest for the next meal. 
3. Exercise daily
How silly of me to include something as obvious as exercise. I did a 30 day trial with waking up, and walking for 30 minutes first thing in the morning. My journal records that I was feeling amazing during the period of time that I was following this habit. 
4. Publicize your intentions
Start a blog, join a forum, and have other people keep you accountable to help. Tell other people your plan, it would help you get the motivation to go with it! 
5. Create a food schedule
Plan your day so that you’re eating at approximately the same time each day. This scheduling will incorporate itself into your circadian rhythm, and aid in digestion. 
6. Do not over eat
Know your limit and stop eating when you are full. I have often been a victim of wanting to finish a meal so that it doesn’t go to waste. This has left me with many a stomach ache. Next time, doggy bag it for later, and don’t hurt yourself! 
7.Choose your snacks wisely
Put down the Lays® and cheese puffs. Pick up the apple and baby carrots. Make the right decision, I know you can do it. 
Remember, it’s not about special diets, or special exercise programs. The real secret is in turning your health into a lifestyle, and focusing on this healthy lifestyle with every choice you make.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Jangan Berbangga dengan Calvin Klien & Armani Exchange anda kerana…. Pakaian Terakhir anda adalah Kain Kafan…& perfume anda adalah kapur barus.. '' Jangan Berbangga dengan BMW & Caldina GTfour anda kerana….Kenderaan terakhir anda adalah Keranda yang akan diusung…'' ...Jangan Berbangga dengan Banglo dan Condo anda ...kerana…............................Tempat

rehat anda yang terakhir adalah Kubur..'' Jangan Berbangga dengan Kehenseman atau Kecantikan anda kerana…..Akhirnya Hanya menjadi santapan si Cacing dan Serangga....

Monday, November 29, 2010

Box Head - 2Play FLASH - Play Free Flash Games Online at

Box Head - 2Play FLASH - Play Free Flash Games Online at

Adekk Ronaldinho asal dri Malaysia??...

betull kea adik bintang Ac Milan nie from Malaysia..ermm mari kte lihattt-

-haa inilahh dy..fuhh rupa2 nya Samy Vellu ish3 dlm diam2 noh haxx3

one of my best song....rockk glerhhhh!!!

100 Manusia yg pling berpengaruhh d dunia...

1 Muhammad 
Isaac Newton 
3 Jesus Christ
4 Buddha 
5 Confucius 
St. Paul 
7 Ts'ai Lun 
Johann Gutenberg 
Christopher Columbus 
10 Albert Einstein 
11 Louis Pasteur 
12 Galileo Galilei 
13 Aristotle 
14 Euclid 
15 Moses 
16 Charles Darwin 
17 Shih Huang Ti 
18 Augustus Caesar 
19 Nicolaus Copernicus 
20 Antoine Laurent Lavoisier 
21 Constantine the Great 
22 James Watt 
23 Michael Faraday 
24 James Clerk Maxwell 
25 Martin Luther 
26 George Washington 
27 Karl Marx 
28 Orville and Wilbur Wright 
29 Genghis Khan 
30 Adam Smith 
31 Edward de Vere a.k.a. William Shakespeare 
32 John Dalton 
33 Alexander the Great 
34 Napoleon Bonaparte 
35 Thomas Edison 
36 Antony van Leeuwenhoek 
37 William T.G. Morton 
38 Guglielmo Marconi 
39 Adolf Hitler 
40 Plato 
41 Oliver Cromwell 
42 Alexander Graham Bell 
43 Alexander Fleming 
44 John Locke 
45 Ludwig van Beethoven 
46 Werner Heisenberg 
47 Louis Daguerre 
48 Simon Bolivar 
49 Rene Descartes 
50 Michelangelo 
51 Pope Urban II 
52 'Umar ibn al-Khattab 
53 Asoka 
54 St. Augustine 
55 William Harvey 
56 Ernest Rutherford 
57 John Calvin 
58 Gregor Mendel 
59 Max Planck 
60 Joseph Lister 
61 Nikolaus August Otto 
62 Francisco Pizarro 
63 Hernando Cortes 
64 Thomas Jefferson 
65 Queen Isabella I 
66 Joseph Stalin 
67 Julius Caesar 
68 William the Conqueror 
69 Sigmund Freud 
70 Edward Jenner 
71 Wilhelm Conrad Roentgen 
72 Johann Sebastian Bach 
73 Lao Tzu 
74 Voltaire 
75 Johannes Kepler Lutheran 
76 Enrico Fermi 
77 Leonhard Euler 
78 Jean-Jacques Rousseau 
79 Nicoli Machiavelli 
80 Thomas Malthus 
81 John F. Kennedy 
82 Gregory Pincus 
83 Mani 
84 Lenin 
85 Sui Wen Ti 
86 Vasco da Gama 
87 Cyrus the Great 
88 Peter the Great 
89 Mao Zedong 
90 Francis Bacon 
91 Henry Ford 
92 Mencius 
93 Zoroaster 
94 Queen Elizabeth I 
95 Mikhail Gorbachev 
96 Menes 
97 Charlemagne 
98 Homer 
99 Justinian I
100 Mahavira

Sunday, November 28, 2010

 Lima tahun slepas TSUNAMI...

     Semasa Tsunami melanda...

   Selepas kejadian Tsunami...

   Semasa Tsunami melanda...

   Selepas Kejadian Tsunami....

   Semasa Tsunami melanda...

   Di tmpat yg sama selepas Tsunami

   Semasa kejadian itu melanda...

   Akhirnyaa begini.....

    Semasa Tsunami melanda....

   Dengan rahmat ALLAH...



Knapa gurlz skew ambil gmba mcm nie ea??

                         tggu2 tgk dlu smpai abehh...

                         hahaha sbnaq nya depa nk cover size bdn tuu jaa kehh3

Top 10 Countries Without Military Forces
As said by famous French statesman George Clemenceau, “War is much too serious a matter to be entrusted to the military,” and even today, his statement still stands true. While most countries have large military forces that are able to deploy and protect at any given time (the largest and most notable being China, at about 1,600,000 army personnel), some countries have no military at all.
Below is a list of ten countries that have no set military forces, each of them with varying reasons why; some because of the country’s history other because of its location. While many people believe that a military force is a necessity, there are countries that see or have no need for them; however, in many cases, there is a back-up plan in the case that the country is attacked or war is declared upon that country.
10. Solomon Islands
The Solomon Islands, surprisingly, is not made up of just a few islands, but totals ranging in the thousands. Ever since the U.K. became the country’s protectorate in 1893, the country hasn’t had much of a military defense. During WWII the country did have the British Solomon Islands Protectorate Defense Force. Then, in 1976 the Solomon Islands were able to establish a government that was stable up until about 1998. During 1998-2006, the country was plagued with misconduct within the government, crime, and ethnic conflict. To properly resolve these issues, New Zealand and Australia both stepped in to restore peace and eventually disarm. Today the country internally has the Solomon Islands Police Force.
So who’s the protector?
There is no set protector of the Solomon Islands; however, the country had paid Australia for certain defense items. If a war were to ever be declared upon the islands, Australia would probably be one of the first countries to provide a defense. (Image: “Captain Warren Frederick Martin Clemens, British Solomon Islands Protectorate Defense Force (BSIPDF), with six members of the BSIPDF Scouts,”
9. Costa Rica
Though the country did once have an army, today, Costa Rica stands as one of many countries without a formal standing army. On December 1, 1948, José Figueres Ferrer, president at the time, signed legislation that would abolish the military after the fatal Costa Rican civil war that killed almost 2,000 people. To properly represent this abolishment, the president himself was able to break a wall of the Cuartel Bellavista, which was once an army headquarters location. Today the country has the Fuerza Pública which provides law enforcement, ground security, border patrol, and many other common duties held by a police force.
So who’s the protector?
Thanks to the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance of 1947, if any country were to ever attack or declare war upon Costa Rica, the country can depend on 21 other countries, including the U.S., Chile, and Cuba to provide some sort of military force to provide defense. The treaty stands that if any of the signed countries were attacked, those other countries would be looked upon to help provide some sort of military defense.
8. Samoa
Today, Samoa has no set military force that could be used if ever necessary. Instead, the country would have to rely on outside friendships with other countries to find protection and defense in wartime. The country does have a Samoa Police Force, but of course, this is definitely not considered to be a military force for the entire country.
So who’s the protector?
Samoa has a friendship treaty with New Zealand, made in 1962.  In the event of a war or other foreign invasion, Samoa can call upon New Zealand for any sort of necessary military aid. However the agreement does state that either country can pull out of the treaty at any time if wanted.
7. Palau
Despite the lack of a national military force, Palau does have a Palau National Police section that was created to provide the necessary protection for civilians. Like most police forces, the Palau National Police force is needed to keep the peace and attend to any internal unrest that may occur. If war were to ever arise, Palau would have to reach out for help from other countries to provide some sort of defense system.
So who’s the protector?
Standing as an associated state, Palau will be protected by the U.S. in the event that the country is attacked or if another country decides that war with Palau is a must. This is because of the Compact of Free Association of 1983 that basically made the U.S. the protectorate of Palau.
6. Andorra
Despite not ever having a true organized military, the tiny country of Andorra was bold enough to declare war on Germany in 1914 and join the so called Great War. With a 10-man strong army, the country did not do much and was not taken seriously. Even though the country did officially pick sides, Andorra was not invited to the Versailles Peace Treaty negotiations. In 1931 the group of men roughly called an army was replaced by the Andorran National Police. This group, made up of about 240 men, was created to help keep the peace and is even trained to provide hostage rescue. Joining the police force is a must if you’re a man who owns a firearm.
So who’s the protector?
Andorra has not one, not two, but three protectors. France and Spain have both pledged to be the militaristic protectors of the 181 sq mi. country because of its location (landlocked). In fact in 1933, France militaristic force was needed to help settle civil unrest in the country. Besides these two countries, NATO forces would also take part in protecting the country if ever necessary.
5. Grenada
Ever since the American-led invasion of Grenada, the country has not been able to establish a standing army. The invasion was mostly started because of a military coup and a power struggle within the government that led to the execution of the Grenadian Prime Minister, Maurice Bishop. Because of this invasion which successfully turned a communist state back into a democratic nation, the country does not have a standing army, but relies on the Royal Grenada Police Force as well as the Regional Security System.
So who’s the protector?
There is no set country that is set out to protect Grenada with a military force. Because of the Regional Security System, the country can look to Antigua and Barbuda, Barbados, Dominica, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, and Saint Vincent and the Grenadines for some sort of military support; however, most of these countries do not have a big enough defense system to be of great assistance. It seems that inevitably the U.S. would run to the rescue.
4. Marshall Islands
Under the Compact of Free Association of 1983, the Marshall Islands was granted the status of a sovereign nation. Also involved in the pact is the Federated States of Micronesia and Palau. Under this agreement, the three countries would be free, but would stand as associated states to the U.S. This means that the U.S. will serve as the protectorate and that the Marshall Islands would have no regular military force, or any sort of responsibility for the country’s defense during wartime. The country created the Marshall Islands Police to carry out common police duties within the country.
So who’s the protector?
Since the Marshall Islands are considered to be an associated state to the U.S., the U.S. is fully responsible for the country’s defense and security. If the islands were ever attacked, the U.S. would have to provide the necessary military support to assist in the war.
3. Liechtenstein
Like a few others on the list, Liechtenstein is another country that decided to completely abolish its standing army. Liechtenstein got rid of its army in 1868 after the Austro-Prussian War because it was said to be too expensive for the country to afford. After the country was freed from the German Confederation, it was obligated to maintain its own army, but the funding just wasn’t available. However, to keep peace within the country, there is a police force known as the Principality of Liechtenstein National Police.
So who’s the protector?
There is no set country that would have to defend Liechtenstein in the event of a war or some other sort of attack. It is said that the country is allowed to rally up an army in the case of a war, but this army would probably be futile and help from Switzerland just might come. There have been talks of Switzerland being responsible for Liechtenstein’s defense, but neither country have proven or denied this claim.
2. Nauru
Nauru, known as the smallest island country in the world at just 8.1 sq miles is definitely unique in many ways, though like plenty others on the list, has no set standing army or any other type of military force. The country, possibly due to its size, doesn’t even have a capital. Though extremely small, the country does have a Nauru Police Force that is utilized to ensure that the country is able to maintain stability. Located in a group of thousands of small islands called Micronesia, the country is heavily relied upon for its readily accessible phosphate.  Today the country keeps close contact with nearby Australia and other Micronesia islands.
So who’s the protector?
It is said that through an informal agreement made between Nauru and Australia that Australia would supply militaristic needs or basic country defense. In fact, in December 1940 when Germany attacked Nauru, the Australian Navy was called upon to defend the country as necessary.
1. Vatican City
Named the smallest country in the world, Vatican City, unsurprisingly, is a country that does not have a de jure military; however, this hasn’t always been the case. In the past, there were numerous militaristic groups that were created to protect the country and most importantly the Pope. Notably the Noble Guard and the Palatine Guard did exist, but Pope Paul VI abolished both groups in 1970. Today, Vatican City’s best example of a militaristic force would be the Pontifical Swiss Guard. This group is meant to protect the Pope as well as the Palace of the Vatican. There is also theGendarmerie Corps, but this group is considered to be a civilian force rather than military. They are responsible for keeping public order, traffic control, border control, and investigating criminal activity.

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